Treasure House ~ My last week & Merry Christmas !!

Bula Gang,

Well after this last week at the Treasure House, I need to go on a diet haha!
On Monday we had 2 lunches provided, one was scheduled the other just kindly turned up hehe. Then without having time to digest, pizza was delivered as a snack! The kids enjoyed but as for the toddlers, most of it went on the floor.

The presents under the tree are really mounting up. So good to see that visitors and locals don’t forget about these gorgeous kids, donating anything they can manage. Too often people who can afford to help others leave it for the people who are struggling themselves, I say this as the Australian Govt cut the Aid budget yet again!

Although lots of gifts and food are being donated, the sponsor who pays the water bill was late resulting in the water being turned off from Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon. I couldn’t believe it when I arrived on Monday. They were getting water from the sister house Judy’s but this was making life quite difficult. I gave Shriti a bath using a bucket after lunch before she went to sleep, poor thing was clutching the bucket trying to drink as much as possible. Luckily that afternoon we were able to bath them properly and the house was back in working order.

It’s been very hot and humid more so than usual, we’ve had the kids outside a lot playing under the mango tree. It is so much better than trying to get them to do activities in the Nicholas room. There’s been a lot of water bomb fights which have been refreshing. The toddlers like the breeze created by being pushed on the swing. They can be quite bossy “Alice push me push me” demands Gloria, “Alice higher” yells Moses, Jacob generally says “Alice me, mine”, mine is come in Fijian.

To end the week we got all dressed up, GG, Ily and the 5 toddlers were all matching in their Xmas outfits, it was so cute. I made use of my Sulu Jaba, which I wore a few weeks back at Jays grandma’s 100 nights remembrance. Laura borrowed a sulu and Bula shirt from her host family. We were both in blue, so decided that was the colour for the volunteers 🙂 all the Na’s were very happy with our outfits. Then on the bus to get to the Wyndem Hotel in Port Denauru. Lunch was very nice and plentiful but surprising all the toddlers did very well, ate their food and were well behaved. Ansu did her usual thank you speech and all the children did some dances and sang some songs. I even know some of the words now even though I don’t understand the lyrics. Caleb was quite funny during the dancing as he was just busting a move on his own haha, reminded me of my brother at similar age.

Santa turned up and the toddlers were looking a little uneasy, Jacob was backing away with a scared look on his face. Their reactions were hilarious, Moses did collect his Santa gift but I had to go with him.

It was a great day and we had more cake just before leaving. Once arriving back we had to say bye to Laura, she had to leave for the airport at 3.30. It was a rushed quick goodbye during bath time but quick is better than long goodbyes.

On Sunday jay and I went to church with them. They go to a small church in Sabeto Village 20 mins away. It’s a gorgeous humble church surrounded by mountains! Lots of singing in English and Fijian and the sermon was mainly in English. The kids looked great in their Sunday best and were excited to have me there. Moses was calling my name from the row behind during prayer lol. He came around for a couple of cuddles as did sritty and Gloria came to check out my hairstyle, which she gave her approval hehe.

It was a great way to end my volunteering for 2014 and last day in Fiji for the year. When we were back at the house I said bye to the toddlers first as they were going down for their sleep. They don’t understand that I’m going away for awhile and sritty was calling “Alice come!” But not in a sad way so that was good. The older kids understood I’ll be back in February so that helps with the goodbyes.

It’s been at times overwhelming, confronting and stressful but overall an amazing experience. I’ve learnt so much about myself and my ability to care for children not under the normal circumstances. It’s impossible to not get attached to them, so even when I’m not able to live in Fiji anymore, each time I visit I will always make a point to stop and spend “Fiji time” hehe.

I miss the kids already but look forward to seeing them in February, until then I will enjoy catching up with fams & friends in Australia.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Vinaka vakalevu,

Loloma Levu xx

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